[ From: chris@coombs.anu.edu.au (Chris@ SSDA) ]
Game setup
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Put T (Triple), B (Bull) and D (double) in three squares (any order) but they must be in a diagonal line.
Get the other player to call out 6 other numbers and write them into the other 6 squares - again in any order.
Use closest to the bull to determine the starter.
A single number gives a single 'X'or 'O' on that number. When a player get three 'X's on a number then they own that number. Should less than three 'X's be present then the 'O' player can remove some/all of those 'X's by hitting that number (you cant have both X's and O's on a number at the same time.)
The winner is determined by the player to form a straight line across three numbers (same as in Tick-Tack-Toe).